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Documentation: For Users

Everything you need to know about the checking of incoming documents

Please note that downloading this page as a PDF creates a static document. Any changes to the content presented cannot be included in the PDF later. We therefore advise to always use the version available online.

This section provides all the information you need to set up the portal and an overview of the most important features.

1 OC-Creation

Learn how to enter an order confirmation manually

Create order confirmation

  1. Open the purchase order for which you want to create an order confirmation
  2. Click on the “Answer” button in the top right corner, in the blue bar
  1. A pop-up opens, where you can select the document type that you want to use. When answering an order, only the order confirmation is offered
  2. Click on the “Create”-button
  1. The draft order confirmation will open
  2. This is already pre-filled with all information from the order
Draft status

Confirm the order in its entirety

If you do not want to make any changes to the order in the order confirmation, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Send”-button in the top right corner, in the blue bar
  1. A message appears that the document has been successfully sent
Sent true
  1. Confirm by clicking on “OK”

Confirm orders with changes

If you want to make changes in quantity, delivery date or price, please proceed as follows:

Adjust quantity

  1. Go to the “Delivery” section
  1. In the “Quantity” field, you can now enter the desired quantity
Corrected quantity

Adjust delivery date

  1. Go to the “Delivery” section
  1. Click on the delivery date
  2. A calendar opens
    1. Select the desired date in the calendar and confirm it with a click on “OK”. By clicking on “Now” you always jump to the current date.

Adjust price

  1. Go to the “Price” section
  1. Click in the “Base price” field
  2. Enter the new price (with comma as decimal separator)
Corrected price

If you have changed the price, the net value (right) is automatically adjusted.

Tips for processing of documents can be found here.

2 OC-Check

Learn how to check an order confirmation

Opening order confirmations to be checked

Depending on the user setting, you will be notified by e-mail of each document that has been paused for review. The link contained in the e-mail takes you to the document view of the order confirmation.

Benachrichtigung über zu prüfende AB

Alternatively, you can open the order confirmation via your inbox. You can identify order confirmations to be checked by the “Awaiting decision” status.

Wait for decision

You can also set the document filter to “My open messages” to display only documents to be checked.

My open messages

Types of deviations

There are two types of marked variances in the portal:

  1. relevant deviations (colorcode: orange)
relevant deviations
  1. non-relevant deviations (colorcode: yellow)
non-relevant deviations

Relevant Deviations are any deviations that fall outside the tolerance range that you defined in the portal.

non-relevant deviations are those that are within the tolerance range, or any other deviations that could still be detected by the platform.

Documents are only held for review if at least one relevant deviation has been detected. Documents with only non-relevant variances are not stopped, but the variances are still marked yellow in the documents.

The deviations

At first glance, you can see a relevant deviation (orange) in the folded position. Next to the current value, the value from the purchase order is displayed. In addition, you can recognize existing deviations by using the exclamation point on the left side of the line item box.

relevant deviation overview

Here: Value changed! Previous value: 21.07.19

The line-item number, item description, delivery date, and price are displayed in the collapsed line. A deviation that refers to other values within the position is indicated with an orange marker on the left side of the position.

relevante deviation

Then click the position to see the relevant deviation.

relevante deviation in line-item

In addition to the price variance, there is a quantity variance (previous value 10 pieces, now 8 pieces), or the price deviation results from the quantity deviation.

non-relevant deviation in line-item

The same applies to non-relevant deviations, whereby the color of the marking here is yellow. If both relevant and non-relevant deviations are present, the marking is colored orange.

Accept and Reject


If you agree to the order confirmation despite deviations, you can accept the order confirmation. To do this, click on the “Accept” button in the upper right corner.


A message appears that the document has been saved successfully.

Saved successfully

Click OK to return to your inbox. The document is sent to your ERP system with the deviations.


If you do not agree with the order confirmation due to the deviations, you can refuse the order confirmation. To do this, click “Reject” in the upper right corner.


A mask appears in which you can enter the reason for the rejection.

Reason of rejection

Then click on “Reject”, your message will be saved and (if desired) forwarded to the responsible reviewer at the supplier. The message then changes its status to “Completed with error and warning” and is marked with a red X. The message will not be sent to your ERP system.


If you reopen the order confirmation, the reason for the rejection will appear at the top of the message.


3 More features and tips

Helpful information and functions for document creation and processing

Download PDF

If you also want to download a PDF for a document, you can easily do so from the document view. To do this, click on the printer icon in the upper right corner.


In the next window, you can choose whether to hide features and attachments. We recommend that you keep the default settings (hide features).


Depending on the browser, the PDF will either open in a new tab or be downloaded directly.

PDF View

Tips for processing documents

Deleting line-items

You can delete line-items by clicking on the x icon on the left side.


Duplicate line-items

To make it easier to create new line-items, you can duplicate a line-item. To do this, click on the circle icon on the left side.


Then another line-item opens, where the item number is incremented.

Cancel line-items

If you cannot/do not want to deliver a particular article, you can cancel the line-item. We recommend that you use the function of the portal. To do this, click on the / icon.


Deleting a position because you do not want it to be confirmed is not recommended. This is because the customer does not know why one position has not been confirmed and is therefore still waiting for confirmation for that position. Clicking on the / symbol sets the confirmed quantity to zero, so the customer knows that this line-item was cancelled.

Copy a delivery date to all line-items

If you only want to change the delivery date in an order confirmation, you can apply the new date to all lines. Just change the date in the first line-item and then click on the circles-icon to the right of the delivery date. The date is transferred to all other line-items.

Copy date

Add surcharges and discounts

You can add a discount or surcharge by clicking on “Add surcharge or discount” (just below the price). Enter a description, type, and percentage.


Add payment terms

By clicking on “Add Condition” you can do just this. Please note that you should have discussed this with your customer in advance. Here you must specify the description, the number of days and the percentage.

Payment Conditions

Saving drafts

If you have already started editing an OC but do not want to send the OC yet, you can save it as a draft. To do this, click “Save” in the upper right corner.


The message that the document has been saved successfully appears. You can now find it in your folders under “Draft” and can edit it at any time.


Cancel drafts

If you want to cancel a draft, you can do this via the “Cancel” button at the top right.

Cancel draft