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Documentation: User profile

All settings that you can make under “My Profile”

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In this section you will find all the information and settings that affect you personally.

1 Personal data

Here you can customize your personal data
Personal Data

Except for your username, you can edit all fields here. After the change, simply click “Save” in the blue bar in the upper right corner. If you want to change your name for personal reasons, please contact our support team.

2 Language and time zone

Here you can adjust the language in the portal as well as the time zone.
Language and time zone

You can choose from German and English for the languages.

All valid time zones are selectable.

3 View

Here you can make settings for the view

Message view

View 1

By default, the first two options are checked here. “Collapse item list” refers to the display of a document. If a document has many line-items, an overview of all line-items without a detailed presentation of them can be very helpful. Line-items can still be opened by clicking on them.


Collapsed Line-item:

Collapsed Line-item

Unfold line-item:

Unfold line-item

Message view

The field " Display parent or child message icon " refers to the symbol in the mailboxes next to the documents.


If the function is unchecked, the message-display loads much faster. As a rule, however, this is not needed and can remain activated.

Default search interval

Here you can set which search interval is used by default for your search in the mailboxes.

Change interval

Filters for mailboxes

Global filter

Here you can set invidual filters for each mailbox. These can then be found at the top of the mailboxes.

Filter for messages

The messages that match the name of the filter are always displayed. Here, for example, test messages and productive messages. You can change the filters in the dropdown-menu of the mailboxes at any time manually, in your profile you can set the default filters.

Overview of the message filters

Name of the filterAction
no filterAll messages are displayed
Messagesdisplays only productive messages
Test-messagesdisplays only test-messages
My messagesdisplays all documents that are assigned to you
My open mesasgesdisplays all messages that are still waiting for a decision from you
Error-messagesdisplays all messages with an error
Messages and test-messagesdisplays all productive and all test documents

4 Notifications

Here you can configure when and about what you want to be personally notified


Under “Temporarily substituted by” you can set your representation from the existing users. In your absence, the selected user will receive all notifications (by mail) that you would otherwise have received.

Notification via e-mail

Inform me if …Action
A new message is availableYou will receive an e-mail from each incoming message (see Inbox)
A new message or receipt is availableYou will receive an e-mail from each incoming message and receipt (see Inbox)
A message has an errorYou will receive an e-mail for each defective message
neverYou will not receive any notifications from us by e-mail

By default, the notification of errors is set.

Add message additionally as PDF

If you have stated that you would like to receive an e-mail for newly arrived documents (if you want to be informed, for example, of incoming orders from your customers), then you can have the order sent directly to you as a PDF-file. To do this, you only need to activate the check-box and save it in the upper right corner.

5 Change password

Here you can change your password
Change password

You will initially receive a random password from us. Here you can change this to a password that you can remember better (or more meet your security requirements).